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9-110 MS-MAA女生調理神器-暖宮腰帶(粉色).jpg

9-501 MS-MAA   Girls’ conditioning tool-warming palace belt (pink)

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-24 at 21.54.30 (1).jpeg

9-502 MS-MAN-EMS   (Electrotherapy) Wireless Remote Control Buttocks Beautifier - Rechargeable Buttocks Lifter

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-24 at 21.54.30 (2).jpeg

9-503 MS-MAP-EMS  (Electrotherapy) Home Abdominal Muscle and Arm Muscle Fitness Equipment-Abdominal Muscle/Arm Muscle

9-107 MS-MR-紅外線熱敷護膝.jpg

9-504 MS-MR  Infrared hot compress knee pads

9-201 MS-MC  數顯高頻肌肉按摩槍.png

9-505 MS-MC  Digital display high frequency muscle massage gun

9-202 MS-MJ.jpg

9-506 MS-MJ  Small fascia gun with hot compress for muscle relaxation

9-203 MS-MZ-電動按摩棒.jpg

9-507 MS-MZ  electric massage stick

9-508 MQ按摩坐墊瑜伽平衡盤軟墊.jpg

9-508 MQ Massage Cushion Yoga Balance Plate Soft Cushion

9-509 MAT迷你电动筋膜枪.jpg

9-509 MAT  Mini electric fascia gun

9-510 MAW电动气压空气波发热腿部按摩仪.jpg

9-510 MAW  Electric air pressure air wave heating leg massager

9-511 MAZ热敷调理神器-暖宫腰带.jpg

9-511 MAZ  Hot compress and conditioning artifact-warming palace belt

9-512 MBB鸡翅木瘦脸按摩器.jpg

9-512 MBB  wood face slimming massager

9-513 MBD四轮车按摩器.jpg

9-513 MBD  Quad massager

9-514 MBF鸡翅木擀筋棒按摩器.jpg

9-514 MBF  wood rolling stick massager

9-515 MBJ家用便携式低频电疗经络按摩仪器.jpg

9-515 MBJ  Home portable low frequency electrotherapy meridian massage instrument

9-516 MBK菱形七珠磁石滚珠按摩器.jpg

9-516 MBK  Diamond-shaped seven-bead magnet ball massager

9-517 MBL两轮滚轴按摩棒.jpg

9-517 MBLTwo-wheel roller massage stick

9-518 MBO柔软硅胶拍打按摩锤.jpg

9-518 MBO  Soft silicone slap massage hammer

9-519 MBR迷你按摩筋膜抢.jpg

9-519 MBR  Mini massage fascia grab

9-520 MBV EMS迷你智能脉冲按摩仪.jpg

9-520 MBV EMS  Mini smart pulse massager

9-525 MCE便携掌中宝揉捏按摩仪.jpg

9-525 MCE  Portable palm massager

9-526 MCF迷你震动筋膜枪.jpg

9-526 MCF  Mini vibrating fascial gun

9-521 MBW4头迷你电动按摩笔.jpg

9-521 MBW  4  Head mini electric massage pen

9-522 MBZ石墨烯加热按摩暖宫带.jpg

9-522 MBZ   Graphene heated massage warm uterine belt

9-523 MCB石墨烯热敷按摩固定腰带.jpg

9-523 MCB   Graphene hot compress massage fixed belt

9-524 MCD便携式无烟艾灸仪.jpg

9-524 MCD Portable smokeless moxibustion instrument

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