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9-104 MS-ML-智能随身灸无线艾灸按摩器.jpg

9-201 MS-ML Smart Portable Wireless Moxibustion Massager

9-105 MS-MN-肩颈捶打按摩披肩-颈椎按摩器.jpg

9-202 MS-MN  Shoulder and neck massage shawl-cervical massager

9-111 MS-OF 頸椎按摩枕.jpg

9-203 MS-OF   cervical massage pillow

9-204 MS-MM-电动头皮按摩仪-缓解疲劳震动按摩.jpg

9-204 MS-MM  Electric scalp massager to relieve fatigue massage

9-205 MAY电动全身头部按摩�器.jpg

9-205 MAY Electric full body head massager

9-206 MBA手持式滚轮夹脖颈椎按摩器.jpg

9-206 MBA  Handheld roller neck massager

9-207 OB滾輪環形夾腿頸部頸椎按摩器.jpg

9-207 OBRoller ring clamp leg and neck cervical spine massager

9-208 MBC PU颈椎按摩舒缓枕.jpg

9-208 MBC PUCervical massage soothing pillow

9-209 MBG PU颈椎按摩舒缓枕.jpg

9-209 MBG PUCervical massage soothing pillow

9-210 MBM多功能滚轮颈椎按摩器-天鹅六轮粉色.jpg

9-210 MBM  Multifunctional roller cervical massager-Swan six-wheel pink

9-211 MBN护肩颈智能颈椎按摩仪-白色.jpg

9-211 MBN  Shoulder and Neck Intelligent Cervical Massager-White

9-212 MBP C型护颈按摩枕-蓝色三键揉捏+热敷+充电.jpg

9-212 MBP C-shaped neck massage pillow-blue three-button kneading + hot compress + charging

9-213 MBQ便携记忆棉U型枕-灰色.jpg

9-213 MBQ Portable memory foam U-shaped pillow-grey

9-214 MBS迷你便携吊坠式挂脖颈部按摩仪-橙色.jpg

9-214 MBS  Mini portable pendant neck massager-orange

9-215 MBX手动气压颈部护理按摩器.jpg

9-215 MBX   Manual air pressure neck care massager

9-216 MBY便携式手动颈椎按摩器-红色.jpg

9-216 MBY  Portable manual cervical massager-red

9-217 MCG颈椎按摩枕-蓝色.jpg

9-217 MCG  Cervical Massage Pillow-Blue

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