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12-201 LR-DM  帶燈帶凳子三角拐杖.jpg
12-201  LR-DM  Triangle with light and stool crutches
12-202 LR-IO  带LED灯伸缩老人拐杖.jpg
12-202  LR-IO   Telescopic crutches for the elderly with LED light
12-203 LR-IU 帶警報LED燈折疊拐杖.jpg
12-203  LR-IU  Folding crutch with alarm LED light
12-204 LR-IV 實木防滑拐杖.jpg
12-204 LR-IV   Solid wood anti-slip turn
12-210 LR-TO 鋁合金四腳拐杖.jpg
12-210 LR-TO  Aluminum alloy four-legged crutch
12-211 LR-TP 鋁合金四腳拐杖.jpg
12-211 LR-TP  Aluminum alloy four-legged crutch
12-212 LR-TQ 多功能帶收音機帶燈三腳折疊拐杖.jpg
12-212 LR-TQ  Multifunctional radio & light three-legged folding crutch
12-213 LR-SS-鋁合金四腳拐仗.jpg
12-213 LR-SS  Aluminum alloy four-legged crutches
12-205 LR-SN 鋁合金輕便多功能帶燈折疊手杖.jpg
12-205  LR-SN  Aluminum alloy multifunctional folding cane with light
12-207 LR-TL 鋁合金防滑輕便可調節手杖-助行器拐杖(銀色).jpg
12-207 LR-TL  Aluminum alloy non-slip adjustable/walker crutches
12-208 LR-TM 可折疊智能手杖.jpg
12-208 LR-TM   Foldable smart cane
12-209 LR-TN 智能報警拐杖助行器.jpg
12-209 LR-TN   Intelligent alarm crutch walker
sticlk 01.jpg
12-214 LR-WBJ  Anti-slip lightweight floral printed walking stick for the elderly
stick 02.jpg
12-215 LR-WAB  Stainless steel four-legged cane stool

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